Introducing Your Child to Music

Studying Piano Makes You More Versatile As A Musician

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Music theory courses, whether in high school or college, utilize the piano to teach. Professors typically instruct with either a piano present or thru software that replicates the sounds a piano would make. The piano’s one-dimensionality as an instrument explains why the above is true. There is only one instance of each note, and the pattern of each octave is easily identifiable on the keyboard, unlike, for example, the guitar, which is a two-dimensional instrument that has several instances of most notes and many patterns of octaves.…

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What To Look For In A Music Radio Streaming Service

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Are you tired of paying a dollar for every song that you have in your music library and ready to move on to a streaming radio service? If so, this can be a great way to save money per month and be exposed to new songs and artists that you have not heard before. Here are some tips for what to look for when selecting a music radio streaming service.…

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Strum Your Way To High School Credit

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Are you interested in learning guitar? Why not get high school credit at the same time? You can complete an accredited high school guitar class and receive school credit for your music lessons. Here are five reasons to consider an online guitar class: 1. Get rewarded for your hard work If you’re already planning on putting in the effort and time to learn guitar, getting school credit for your learning is an added bonus.…

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